I just finished up an exhausting and enriching week hosting a delegation from one of Gainesville's sister cities, Qalqilya, Palestine! This was the first time students came to visit us. They enjoyed home stays with our families, attended classes and toured local points of interest. We painted a mural together, played music together, and even played Ultimate Frisbee together! The highlight for me was seeing these kids, most of who have never seen a beach before, dive into the Atlantic Ocean, frolic in the waves and play in the sand. While these kids live only about 10 miles from the beach, they have never been able to go there due to the security wall that surrounds their city. On their last day, we brought them to Disney World. I am proud of my school and community for being such gracious hosts and hope that these kids had an experience they will never forget.
Teaching young Hamza how to body surf.